透過airbnb rental property租屋 - 法律

By Mia
at 2016-09-07T19:39
at 2016-09-07T19:39
Table of Contents
· How many people would be living in the property?
· When would you like to move in?
· What term/length lease would you like?
· Do you have any pets?
· When are your most suitable times/days to view the property?
If further interested, please give me some information about yourself (age, li
festyle or whatever you think makes you a good tenant).
As i told you before , i found an agency who will handle everything (Airbnb Re
ntal Property) . Maybe you heard about them since they are very popular . Usin
g Airbnb Rental Property involves three parties: me as owner, you as a potenti
al tenant and Airbnb as a responsible third party authorized to proper conduct
of the transaction.
This is the agency website : https://www.airbnb.com/trust .
This are the viewing steps :
1 - To start the process i will need your info(full name, delivery address and
a cell phone number where you can be reached).
2 - I will go to the Airbnb Rental Property office to deposit the keys and the
ownership documents .
3 - Airbnb Rental Property will check the ownership documents and the apartmen
t registration address .
4 - If the documents are legal , Airbnb Rental Property will send you the invo
ice agreement(via e-mail) where you will have all the details about this agree
ment + payment information .
5 - When you will receive the invoice, you’ll have to transfer the payment (o
ne month of rent + the security deposit) to Airbnb Rental Property, according
to the instructions from the invoice. The deposit will be just a formality, an
d it will not commit you to rent my apartment.
6 - The payment will remain in the custody of Airbnb Rental Property until you
will check the apartment and move in .After you will pay the deposit,Airbnb R
ental Property will send an agent to your registered address (in the next 24-4
8 hours) to make the delivery . The Airbnb Rental Property agent will help you
to inspect my house and sign the legal documents .
7 – If you will like my apartment, you will sign the contract and you will be
able to move when you desire . If ,for any reason, you will not be satisfied
with my property, the Airbnb Rental Property agent will return your payment .
The refund will be made in cash, immediately.
The entire viewing process will take 2-4 days. If you want , i can send you so
me pictures of my family, my passport,Police ID in order to prove my identity
. Because it is my fault that I can not personally come to show you the apartm
ent, I will pay the agency services fees.
之後我問房東可否看到房子才付第一個月租金和一個月押金,以及airbnb rental proper
I will also tell you why the agency request this kind of advance payment ...As
i told you before, Airbnb Rental Property will send an agent from UK to deliv
er the keys and to help you inspect my apartment. What if you will not appear
to the viewing? In this way the agency will be sure that the potential tenant
will follow the inspection .
I don't have posted the apt. on Airbnb I will go directly into a Airbnb office
to start the process , because they will verify everything ( ownership and my
identity ) .
This is how it works in this kind of distance rental agreements.
Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-N910U.
All Comments

By Catherine
at 2016-09-12T00:58
at 2016-09-12T00:58

By Cara
at 2016-09-14T15:28
at 2016-09-14T15:28

By Necoo
at 2016-09-15T04:49
at 2016-09-15T04:49

By Ingrid
at 2016-09-16T09:04
at 2016-09-16T09:04

By Emma
at 2016-09-17T06:18
at 2016-09-17T06:18

By Elma
at 2016-09-19T00:17
at 2016-09-19T00:17

By Aaliyah
at 2016-09-22T20:52
at 2016-09-22T20:52

By Adele
at 2016-09-26T12:14
at 2016-09-26T12:14

By Ida
at 2016-09-27T15:00
at 2016-09-27T15:00

By Elvira
at 2016-10-02T05:17
at 2016-10-02T05:17

By Charlotte
at 2016-10-02T07:58
at 2016-10-02T07:58

By Lucy
at 2016-10-06T13:45
at 2016-10-06T13:45

By Quanna
at 2016-10-07T13:53
at 2016-10-07T13:53

By Necoo
at 2016-10-10T00:09
at 2016-10-10T00:09

By Hardy
at 2016-10-12T03:36
at 2016-10-12T03:36

By Zora
at 2016-10-15T15:46
at 2016-10-15T15:46

By Isabella
at 2016-10-18T07:26
at 2016-10-18T07:26

By Joe
at 2016-10-21T02:35
at 2016-10-21T02:35

By Daniel
at 2016-10-21T09:24
at 2016-10-21T09:24

By Zora
at 2016-10-23T04:14
at 2016-10-23T04:14

By Una
at 2016-10-26T22:12
at 2016-10-26T22:12

By Charlotte
at 2016-10-31T09:45
at 2016-10-31T09:45

By Vanessa
at 2016-11-04T03:11
at 2016-11-04T03:11
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