Re: 美國律師考提觀摩 - 法律

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2001-09-03T20:13

Table of Contents


※ 引述《Bright (電腦救回來了 哈)》之銘言:
: 不要再浪費時間看無聊的F4啦
: 快來看看人家美國的律師考試題目
: 這是今年 New York State Bar Exam Essay Question 六題中的其中一題
: 看看消遣順便讀讀英文吧
: In August 2000, Mindy entered into a written contract with Ben, a builder, to
: construct an addition to the family's residence. One of Mindy's reasons for
: building the addition was to provide a practice gym for her son, Mike, a 21
: year old college student, who wanted to become a professional basketball
: player. Thus, the contract between Mindy and Ben provided, in part, that
: the gym would have a hardwood floor and a basketball hoop while the remainder
: of the addition would be carpeted. The contract price was $100,000, one-half
: of which was paid upon execution of the contract, with the balance to be paid
: upon completion of the job.
: In September 2000, while Mike was playing basketball at a local sports
: center, Alice, a well known sports agent, approached Mike and invited him to
: have dinner with her to discuss his career. At dinner, Alice told Mike that
: he could be a professional basketball player. Alice offered to be Mike's
: agent, and she handed him a proposed 20 page typewritten contract. When Mike
: asked Alice if he could review the contract with his mother, Alice said that
: this was Mike's "golden opportunity" and that if he didn't sign the contract
: then, it would be withdrawn. Mike signed the contract immediately.
: The next day, when Mike was reviewing the contract with his mother, they
: realized that it gave Alice the exclusive right to represent Mike for the
: next ten years, as well as 60% of all of Mike's gross income from employment
: in the field of basketball during that period. Shortly thereafter, Mike
: learned that the standard percentage for a basketball agent is 20% and that
: the usual term of such a contract is three years. Mike then promptly advised
: Alice that he would not comply with the terms of their contract.
: On December 18, 2000, Ben notified Mindy that the addition to her residence
: was completed. When Mindy inspected the work, she realized that Ben had
: installed carpeting in the gym, as well as all of the other rooms, and had
: failed to install a practice hoop. Ben said that his failure to install the
: hardwood floor and hoop in the gym was inadvertent, but the value of the
: addition was unchanged by the error. The cost to remove the carpet and
: install a hardwood floor and hoop has not yet been determined. On
: December 20, 2000, when Ben asked Mindy for the $50,000 balance of the
: contract price, she refused to pay.
: In January 2001, in response to New School District's advertisement for
: bids for the construction of a high school gym, Ben prepared a preliminary
: bid proposal in accordance with the plans and specifications of the School
: District. Before submitting the bid, Ben decided that he would be able to
: reduce his bid by $25,000. In transposing this reduction from his worksheet
: to the actual proposal however, $250,000 was inadvertently deducted instead
: of $25,000, and the bid submitted was therefore $225,000 lower than Ben had
: intended. When the bids were opened by the School District, Ben discovered
: his error. Ben promptly advised the District of his error and asked it to
: withdraw his bid. Ben provided his worksheet, which confirmed his error,
: but the District nonetheless awarded the contract to Ben based upon his
: submitted bid. Ben refused to perform the contract.
: 1. Can Alice enforce her contract with Mike?
: 2. What are the rights and liabilities of Ben and Mindy with respect to
: payment of the balance of the contract price?
: 3. Is Ben bound by the bid he submitted to the New School District?


它們的美只有我看得見 它們的特質是由我去創造的......

Tags: 法律

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Re: 德國大學法律系的題目

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2001-08-29T17:26
: Ausserdem war Heino H. der B-Bank als vertrauenswurdig bekannt. Als Felix F. zwei 之後銀行便把Heino H.作為信託人(不確定) : Wochen spater eine Durchschrift des Darle ...

Re: 德國大學法律系的題目

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2001-08-29T17:07
: abzuschliesen und das Geld in Empfang zu nehmenand#34;. Felix F., der annahm, es Felix F.正在處理一個約定的訂單 : handele sich um eine der soeben besprochenen Be ...

Re: 德國大學法律系的題目

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2001-08-29T16:40
: unterschreiben. Heino H. beschlos, diese Angewohnheit des Felix F. Heino H. 決定要佔 Felix F.這個習慣的便宜 : auszunutzen, weil er meinte, Felix F. musse fur das ...

Re: 德國大學法律系的題目

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2001-08-29T16:05
暫時翻翻看,可能有錯,請方家不吝指正 : Figaro Felix F. ist Onhaber eines stadtbekannten Friseursalons. Schon seit Figaro Felix F. 是一家有名的美容院的老闆。多年來他向貿易代理商 Heino H. : J ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2001-08-29T15:44
這是德國柏林自由大學今年大一的民法作業 快來參考看看人家題目怎麼出的 加入WTO後我們要和他們競爭呢 加油啦!! Figaro Felix F. ist Onhaber eines stadtbekannten Friseursalons. Schon seit Jahren bezog er ...