請問誰能幫我翻譯這個英文文章?4到6段,謝謝幫忙 - 法律

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-12-05T00:00

Table of Contents

While Johnson & Johnson did their best to protect consumers, the Food and Druc
Administration (FDA j began dev eloping stronger packaging regulations.
As a result. all capsules and liouid druf ts must come in tamper-resistant packages. These regulations also ptto any drugs that are importeiJ to the States,
Tylenol’s Comeback
After sev en innocent people died from taking poisoned Tvlenol. sa!es of the painkiller fell dramatically. But Johnson & Johnson responded to the frightening
incident in a notable wa› . Its executives’ decisions turned out to be not onl; ethical but profitable, too.
(6 )
James Burke. chairman of .Iohnson & Johnson. in suite of the adx'ice of government
agents and some of his colleagues. decided to spend millions to recall 3 l million
panic from the poisoning deaths. The FBI argued that such an cxpeil5I \ ? aclioll w ould demonstrate to potential terrorists that they ci›itld ruin a 5.9 billion
in his c‹›nipan)’s product. TJ lenol regained more than 80% ct’ the market share
it held I›e1(›re the pti isonings.)
Tags: 法律

All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2013-12-08T09:04
(4)雖然詹森 & 詹森想盡辦法保護消費者,食品和 Druc行政管理 (FDA j 開始 dev 私奔強包裝法規。作為一種結果。所有膠囊和反相 druf ts 必須都來防包中。這些規章也 ptto importeiJ 到美國的任何藥物
(5)泰諾的複出後空缺 en 無辜的人死于考慮中毒 Tvlenol。sa! es 止痛藥的急劇下降。
但詹森 & 詹森回答了可怕在著名的 wa› 事件。原來不是線上 ; 其主管的決定道德但有利可圖,太。
(6)詹姆斯 · 伯克。主席。Iohnson & 詹森。在政府的 adx'ice 套件代理和他的一些同事。決定花數以百萬計,記得 3 l 萬恐慌從中毒死亡。聯邦調查局認為這種 cxpeil5I \ 嗎?aclioll w · 烏爾德 · 展示給潛在的恐怖分子,他們 ci›itld 毀了 59 億在他的 c‹›nipan) 的產品。TJ lenol 收復了超過 80 %ct ' 的市場份額它舉行了 I›e1 (公共交通交匯處 isonings ›re)
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2013-12-09T23:29
還是要去 http://aaashops.com/ 品質不錯,老婆很喜歡。


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2013-12-05T00:00
事情是這樣的我日前在某公益團體碰到一名長輩他的獨子死於921唯一的親人只有他不爭氣的孫子而他的孫子國中輟 ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-12-05T00:00
以下的文有構成公然毀謗嗎與店家討論過他承認給3000元但說我指責其為黑心商店呼籲大家不要去說可告我但我查�� ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-12-05T00:00


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2013-12-05T00:00
ConfidentialityExceptasmayberequiredbylaworasmaybereasonablynecessarytoenforcerightshereunder,eachpartyagreesthatduringthetermofthisAgreementandtherea ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2013-12-05T00:00
我與兒子及孫女(只有5歲)未住在一起,有天我打電話找我父親想問我兒子的事,因為我兒子本來每月都有寄生�� ...